New York drivers are familiar with the bright orange warning signs on highways before they enter a work zone. Unfortunately, many drivers ignore the warning signs and the work zone speed limits, which protect workers.
Informed by work zone crash statistics, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed a bill authorizing work zone cameras to monitor drivers to see if they’re speeding.
How big is the problem?
According to the bill, there were 3,450 accidents in work zones between 2010 and 2016. Fifty people died as a result of those accidents, and another 1,100 people were wounded. This includes other drivers and highway workers who were involved in a crash.
Are cameras effective at controlling speed in work zones?
As part of their justification, sponsors of the work zone camera pilot program noted the success of work zone speeding cameras in Maryland, which began utilizing these cameras in 2010.
According to their data, driver speeds have dropped 10% in work zones. There was also a notable 59% drop in the likelihood of someone exceeding the speed limit by more than ten mph.
In turn, that resulted in a 39% reduction in the chances of an accident with an incapacitating injury and reduced the number of work zone-related crash fatalities by 45%.
What does the New York bill do?
The New York legislature established a five-year pilot program in the work zone camera bill. Thirty cameras will be installed in work zones across the state to measure the effectiveness of these cameras in influencing driver behavior.
What happens if I am caught speeding by a work zone camera?
Under the bill, authorization has been given for cameras placed in work zones to snap a picture of the license plate of any vehicle going faster than the posted work zone speed limit. Authorities will mail a ticket to the vehicle owner using the information from that photo.
Consequences for work zone violations logged by these cameras include:
- A $50 ticket for the first offense
- A $75 ticket for the second offense in the same month
- A $100 ticket for the third ticket and each subsequent ticket after that
If you regularly travel through work zones on any New York highway and you are in the habit of ignoring the slower speed limits posted in work zones, it could end up costing you. No points will be deducted from your New York driver’s license during the pilot period.
Reasons to Use a Lawyer if You’ve Received a Work Zone Speeding Ticket
If you have received a ticket due to your license plate being photographed by a work zone camera, you may think you simply should pay the fine. But that might not be the smartest choice.
If you think you have reason to contest the ticket, hiring an experienced speeding attorney can be a benefit. A traffic lawyer can help:
- Get your charges dismissed
- Protect you from significant insurance premium increases
- Protect your driver’s license
Since the work zone speeding camera pilot program is new in New York, its effectiveness remains to be seen.
Another unknown factor is whether the cameras and their radar systems are reliable. If these systems are found to be faulty, their mistakes could provide a solid legal defense. A speeding ticket lawyer can help you understand any legal options you might have.
The New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers represent clients throughout Central New York. We defend drivers from the potentially serious consequences of a traffic ticket. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation with our team.