Can I Get a Ticket for My Loud Car in New York?

Car enthusiasts love customizing their vehicles, whether through exhaust modifications, aftermarket mufflers, or upgraded sound systems. But in New York, there’s a fine line between enhancing your car’s performance and breaking the law. One common question drivers ask is: “Can I get a ticket for my loud car in New York?” The...

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Closeup shot of a truck cockpit

Common Traffic Violations For CDL Holders

Holding a Commercial Driver License (CDL) is necessary to operate a truck or other commercial vehicle in New York. But becoming a holder requires education, training, and an awareness of the unique responsibilities that CDL drivers have. If you fail to carry out these duties by committing traffic offenses, you may jeopardize...

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Car gets pulled over for a traffic stop

The Three Degrees of AUO

Certain crimes are progressive in their punishments. While the offense itself may seem minor and have little impact on others, lawmakers nonetheless want to discourage individuals from committing the crime. To achieve this, lawmakers provide punishments that progressively worsen the more a person commits the offense.

Generally speaking, this...

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