Repeat traffic tickets can lead to severe legal and financial problems. Depending on the circumstances, these problems may even include jail. Not all motorists fully appreciate the seriousness of multiple traffic tickets and the penalties they may be facing. Regardless of whether you have one or several tickets, hiring experienced legal counsel to handle it could save you money, stress, and maybe even incarceration. Count on NY Traffic Ticket Lawyers to represent you.
Possible Penalties for Multiple Tickets
New York traffic court judges take repeat offenders seriously, especially if the infractions in question are moving violations. But regardless of the types of tickets that a driver has, the punishments can begin racking up. Potential consequences include:
- Fines: For moving violations such as speeding, the amount of the fine may be as low as $45 or as high as $600. Fines will increase if the driver is convicted of more than one violation in 18 months.
- Points: Multiple tickets cause points to be added to your driving record. If you receive 11 points in 24 months, your license to drive may be suspended.
- License revocation: Having your license suspended is a serious inconvenience, but a revocation could be much worse. Either of these may result from having too many tickets, especially for moving violations such as drunk driving.
- Community service: Multiple tickets can even be punished by requiring the driver to participate in several hours of community service. This is usually an alternative to paying a fine.
- Insurance premium hikes: Your insurance company will view you as a risky driver and increase your insurance premiums accordingly. This may mean substantial amounts of money coming out of your pocket.
When Jail is an Option
Last but not least, the court may sentence you to jail time for multiple traffic tickets. As with the other punishments, this one depends on the severity and number of the tickets the driver has received. For instance, repeated DUI/DWI traffic tickets are highly likely to result in incarceration because of the high risk to public safety that drunk driving poses. The same is true of speeding, especially if other factors such as speeding in a school zone are applicable.
Criminal traffic offenses that are charged as misdemeanors or felonies include potential jail time as punishment. In addition to DUI/DWI and speeding, tickets that could land you in jail or prison include those for leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in injury and eluding a police officer in an automobile. Multiple tickets can just mean that much more time in jail.
What many drivers also do not understand is that jail is probably not the end of their legal and financial problems. If you go to jail for multiple tickets, you are by that point probably also incurring other punishments like the ones listed above (e.g. fines and insurance premium increases). Certain offenses like DUI/DWI may also require special restrictions like having to use an interlock ignition device in your vehicle.
How Our Traffic Ticket Attorney Can Help
Accumulating traffic tickets can clearly cause problems, but you do have legal options. Before pleading guilty and accepting the court’s decision, talk with an experienced traffic ticket lawyer. An attorney can review the traffic tickets, video evidence, and other relevant records in your case. Your attorney can also negotiate with the prosecutor and judge to attempt to get the charges in your tickets reduced.
If you are dealing with several tickets, let a seasoned attorney assist you. Give NY Traffic Ticket Lawyers a call today.