Cars speeding on the road

5 Important Facts About New York Traffic Tickets

Speeding tickets and other moving violations are common for busy New York motorists. Traffic laws are designed as safety measures for drivers and pedestrians. You can face severe legal and financial penalties when caught violating these laws.

If you drive a vehicle in New York, it is important for you to learn more about how traffic convictions could affect you.

1. The Cost of a Speeding Ticket in New York

New York speeding fines vary depending on your driving record and the posted speed limits. Generally, the courts use a fee schedule to determine how much you’ll pay. As of 2024, this schedule calls for:

  • $45 to $150, 1-10 mph over the speed limit
  • $90 to $300, 11-30 mph over the speed limit
  • $180 to $600, 31+ mph over the speed limit

Every speeding case will present unique circumstances leading to higher or lower fines. However, New York state includes a special “surcharge” provision that is mandatory for all speeding violations. 

On top of the base penalties for speeding, you’ll have to pay an additional $88 or $95. The exact amount largely depends on where the violation occurred.

2. Driver Responsibility Assessment Fees

Motorists in New York must adhere to high standards. When drivers fail to comply with the rules of the road, the state uses a points system to track repeat offenders. 

If a driver receives multiple moving violations within 18 months, they’ll be subject to an administrative penalty called a Driver Responsibility Assessment fee (DRA). Six points within this 18-month will result in a mandatory fee of $300, plus $75 for every additional point awarded as of November 2024.

Failure to pay a DRA fee to the DMV can result in increased fines and even a license suspension.

3. New York’s Point System Explained

Part of the penalty includes points on your driver’s license when you plead guilty to a traffic offense in New York. If you rack up enough points, you risk losing your driving privileges altogether.

Some common moving violations and their respective points include:

  • Reckless driving, 5 points
  • Speeding, 3-11 points
  • Using a cell phone while driving, 5 points
  • Tailgating, 4 points
  • Hit-and-run, 3 points
  • Illegal lane change, 3 points

It is important to understand that most points remain on your record for upwards of 24 months. 

4. Slow Driving Is Grounds for a Ticket in New York

New York state has a moving violation that penalizes slow drivers. In many situations, driving below the speed limit can be just as dangerous as speeding, especially on highways where traffic flow involves many cars and multiple lanes.

As of 2022, slow driving violations can result in fines of up to $150 and additional penalties like surcharges and points on your license.

5. Out-of-State Drivers in New York Are Subject to Penalties

Even if you’re just passing through New York, you still face significant penalties if convicted of a traffic violation.

Any driver who received a ticket in New York will be automatically registered in the state’s database and held to the same standards as in-state drivers. 

Additionally, New York is part of the “Drivers License Compact,” a network of 46 states that share driver information. The New York DMV will likely notify your home state about your violation, and you may be subject to additional consequences.

Fighting a New York Traffic Ticket

Because New York is one of the strictest states regarding moving violations, you’ll likely want to fight the charges in court to avoid the consequences of a conviction.

New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers defend clients throughout Central New York. If you’ve been charged with speeding or any other traffic violation, consult with our attorneys today.

Brandon M. Jones is a paralegal for New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers. Experienced in Traffic Law, Brandon assists our attorneys in traffic-related matters, including DWI, CDL violations, and speeding tickets. If you have any questions about this article, you can contact Brandon by clicking here.