6 Common Misconceptions About Traffic Tickets

If you receive a traffic ticket in New York, it can be a stressful experience. Because of this, it is important to speak with a traffic ticket violation attorney. 

A knowledgeable attorney will provide you with legal advice and help you understand your options. Many motorists have misconceptions about traffic tickets.

It is critical to understand the truth about traffic violation citations to secure the best outcome in your case. Here are six of the most common misconceptions about traffic tickets:

Myth 1: Paying a Ticket Is an Admission of Guilt

Many people believe that paying a traffic ticket is the same as admitting you are guilty. This is not the case. 

Instead, paying a ticket is an acceptance of the responsibility for the violation. Payment of the fine is a way to resolve the legal matter. 

While paying a ticket is not an admission of guilt, it can result in a deduction of points on your driving record. Paying a ticket can also result in higher automotive insurance rates.

Myth 2: You Can Negotiate a Traffic Ticket

Some motorists believe that it is possible to negotiate their way out of a traffic ticket. Although you can present your case to the issuing officer and explain the circumstances, tickets are issued at the discretion of the police officer.

If an officer decides to issue a traffic ticket, you should not try to negotiate your way out of it. Being respectful and polite can be helpful, but arguing is unlikely to help. In many instances, being confrontational can result in additional charges.

Myth 3: Contesting a Ticket in Court Is Unhelpful

It may seem that contesting a ticket in court is not worth the effort. But this is just a common misconception. 

Contesting a traffic ticket can be worthwhile. This is especially true if you have a strong case or powerful evidence to support your defense. 

Also, fighting a ticket may result in a reduction or dismissal of the relevant charges. Successfully fighting a ticket in court can save you money in both fines and insurance expenses. 

Myth 4: Hiring a Lawyer Is Too Expensive

Securing the services of a legal professional can be costly. However, there are many affordable options for legal representation in traffic ticket cases.

A knowledgeable attorney will:

  • Provide you with expert legal advice
  • Review the evidence related to your claim
  • Determine the best legal strategy for you
  • Represent your best interests in court

Also, hiring a lawyer may save you money in the long run. Having a legal representative could prevent you from incurring fines and fees. Getting the charges against you dismissed could also avoid increases in your insurance costs.

Myth 5: Police Officers Must See a Violation to Issue a Ticket

Although it is ideal for law enforcement officers to witness a violation, they are not required to. Police officers can issue tickets based on the testimony of witnesses or in response to traffic camera footage.

Also, officers can write tickets for related violations, even if they did not see them. Related violations may include:

  • Reckless driving
  • Aggressive maneuvers
  • Distracted driving

The police have discretion over how and when they issue traffic tickets. 

Myth 6: Points on Your License Automatically Expire

In some cases, points on your driver’s license may expire after a certain period. However, this is not a guarantee. It is important to speak with a lawyer to determine the state of your license and take necessary legal action.

Contact a Traffic Ticket Violations Attorney

If you need legal representation following the issuance of a ticket in central New York, contact ​​New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers to schedule a consultation. We are ready to fight for you!

David Hammond, Esq. is a traffic offense lawyer and prosecutor that has over a decade of experience fighting for the rights of service members and their families. He served nine years and went on two combat tours as an active duty US Army officer. He then joined the Reserves and moved to Syracuse to be near his family. Not only does he defend the rights of Central New Yorkers, but he also has a veteran-focused practice. David represents servicemen and women before the military appellate courts and takes cases to fix service members’ military records. If you have any questions about this article, you can contact David by clicking here.