No one likes receiving a traffic ticket, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that there’s not much you can do to change a police officer’s mind if they’ve decided to issue you one.
That said, there are steps you can take to mitigate the damage that a ticket often leaves in its wake, and having an understanding of the most common mistakes people make after receiving a traffic ticket in NY is one of them, as you’ll be better equipped to arrive at the best possible solution given your situation.
Don’t Argue About NY Traffic Tickets
Most people’s initial reaction to being pulled over and ticketed is instinctively negative; it’s natural to feel that a traffic ticket isn’t fair. That said, whether a traffic ticket is merited is often highly subjective, meaning it’s the police officer’s opinion against yours, and that’s not an argument you’re likely to win. In fact, attempting to argue with the officer writing you a ticket will probably only land you in further trouble.
Don’t Admit to the Traffic Offense
When you’re pulled over, one common tactic police officers use to get you to admit fault is to ask leading questions. Common examples are, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” or “Do you know how fast you were going?”
It doesn’t matter why you think you were pulled over; you should never volunteer any information that admits you broke a driving law or that would imply such an admission.
Instead, remain calm and ask the officer to explain why they pulled you over. It’s the officer’s responsibility to show they had probable cause for pulling you over, along with a valid reason to write you a ticket.
Don’t Ignore NY Traffic Tickets
Never ignore a NY traffic ticket; doing so not only fails to make it go away, but it can also lead to increased fines and additional legal troubles. If you’ve decided to pay for the ticket, you should make sure to do so before its due date.
It’s also important to remember that your local traffic court doesn’t care about whether you forgot to pay your fine on time; your fines will increase whether you ignored the ticket on purpose or the deadline simply slipped your mind, so be aware of that before you stick a fine payment on your to-do list and forget about it.
Don’t Forget — You Can Dispute the Ticket in Court
Another common mistake NY drivers often make is assuming that once they’ve been ticketed, there’s nothing they can do except pay the associated fine, but that simply isn’t true.
Police officers often hand out traffic violations without sufficient proof or cause, but when you don’t know any better, it’s easy to assume that paying for the ticket is your only option.
Any time you’re ticketed for a traffic violation in NY, you have the option of disputing the ticket, and though that can be daunting, seeing as it entails going to court and making a case, disputing a traffic ticket is often a quick and easy process.
New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers Will Fight for You
If you’ve received a traffic ticket in central New York, New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers is ready to help you dispute the ticket. Our team has a strong track record of quickly helping our clients successfully dispute traffic tickets in the area.
Learn more about how we can help by sending your information to New York Traffic Ticket Lawyers via our online form. You can expect to hear back shortly about how one of our NY traffic ticket lawyers can help dispute your ticket.